An intriguing, multifaceted surface marks this attractive drinkware as the creation of metalworking artisan S. Morishita, who manipulates each piece by hand to achieve his distinctive aesthetic. In its brilliant depths, your favorite beverage will be cast in a new light.
About S. Morishita
Though all artisanal wares take on unique traits born of their creators' philosophies and techniques, rarely is such individuality so evident as in the work of artist S. Morishita. From the beautifully textured surfaces of his distinctive decor to the organic, hand-shaped look of his aluminum kitchenware, each aspect of Morishita metalworks serves as a reminder of this experienced artist's singular appeal.
Materials: Aluminum
Medium: 2.85" D x 3.85" H
Large: 3.4" D x 4.25" H
Care: Hand wash, then dry immediately and thoroughly.
Hyoho, Japan